Thursday, February 21, 2008


I read a message concerning two of our Presidential candidates this morning, that angered me very much. It saddens me beyond belief that people who call themselves spiritual or Christian actually have the nerve to pass judgment on other people, not only without knowing any of the correct facts, but without giving the person a chance or bothering to find out a single thing about him.

What principle gives ANYONE the right to call another person a whore or an anti-Christ?

At the risk of sounding dogmatic myself in my anger I am trying to control my reaction and not use trite and overused phrases like....judge not lest you be judged. Somehow these phrases come out anyway.

Some people will laugh at my horror and say that I should be hardened and inured to this type of attitude by now, because of its prevalence. That is probably true. I should be. But I'm not. Perhaps I am still naive, to a certain extent, to hold on to such an idealistic view of humanity...a view that expects something other than close-mindedness and judgmentalism. But I don't want to let go of this naivete. I am still horrified every time I read a claim like the one I read this morning. And I still feel vindicated when I see or hear of someone with an unusual sense of generosity or goodwill towards others.

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