Sunday, February 3, 2008

Muffins and money (grateful)

So of course we are in a rough spot so far as the car goes. It looks like we're finally faced with a decision that may involve getting rid of it, despite all of the money for both cosmetics and repairs that we've put into it. (For anyone reading this...don't EVER buy a Chrysler Sebring! Let our experience warn you!) But yesterday after doing our taxes we realized that the amount that we are getting back on our return is going to make the decision either way much, much easier. So my mood instantly lightened from depressed to only mildly anxious....

And as a result of this state of extreme levity, I randomly decided at 10:00 last night to make jelly-filled muffins (actually they were apricot-preserve-filled muffins.) They turned out lovely and I enjoyed a nice cup of tea as I sat down with Chekhov again...

American muffins.
British tea.
Russian author.
It was truly a lovely combination.

I am rather anxious to get back to "An Anonymous Story." It is fascinating and I am falling more in love with Chekhov by the minute.

And by the way, I made a dozen muffins. I have had two, but there are only five left. Do the math and figure out how many muffins went in Hubby's tummy...

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