Tuesday, May 27, 2008

I knew this would happen

I am determined that this blog will not follow in the footsteps of my past blogs. For some reason, I seem to be blog-inhibited. I always admire and marvel at those very-together individuals who manage to hold down a job, a life, AND a daily-updated blog. I tend to start one (with the best of intentions), keep it going for a bit, and then just drop it by the wayside. I almost let it happen to this one. But I am determined I won't.

So here goes. I am so incredibly glad spring...almost summer!...is here. I went through a dead phase in the winter and early spring, and have come to realize more than ever how tied in we are, both physically and emotionally, to the seasons. With the advent of spring, I seem to have pulled out of the dead phase and am absolutely bursting with excitement and new ideas. The book is coming along beautifully, and we are about to start on formatting. It should be only a month or so before we have it ready to go. I am already brainstorming on ideas for a second book and keep coming up with them....some possibly workable, some a bit outlandish. We shall see what happens.

I've also been mentally working on another idea, one that I am going to attempt to implement pretty soon. I'm not sure if it will actually work, though, and am determined to do everything I can as I put it in place to ensure its success. I have always been fascinated with the salon culture of the 18th and 19th centuries, and wished that we had more of these socio-philosophical forums in our day. I would, in an ideal world, love to attempt to create something similar....a weekly gathering of brilliant minds for purposeful and creative conversation. A forum which in and of itself, by its nature, could further in some small way the world of intellect and artistic expression, outside of the university setting. That's not going to happen any time soon, for many reasons. BUT, it could happen in a limited way, online. That is what I am thinking through (albeit primitively so far) and trying to germinate. Who knows what will happen. It may come to be, it may not. It may come to be and then fail. Or it may come to be and then turn into something completely different than what I had intended. Again, we shall see.

Also with the advent of spring has come the opening of the farmer's market!! Anyone who knows me well knows that I LOVE love love farmer's markets, side-of-the-road produce stands, anywhere I can get my food as fresh as possible. So Saturday I took V. to the farmer's market for the first time, and we both had a blast. It is really doing well this year; there were already a lot of vendors and people were walking from blocks around to get there. We got lots of fresh greens and bread, and V. got a muffin from the cupcake lady. He had so much fun. I've also found a local organic beef farmer from whom I've started buying my meat. I had an extensive conversation with him about how the cattle were raised, how they were fed, what happens at slaughtering time, etc., when we met, and I feel satisfied that their raising and treatment are completely humane. Plus, the meat is fabulous. As soon as V. is old enough, I will start teaching him to understand and appreciate where his food comes from....to be very conscious of what he eats and what is cost to produce it, so that he never takes it for granted. That I think is a good deal of the problem with American food culture....the fact that we take everything for granted. But I won't get on my soap box about that right now.

I guess that's it for now, as he is getting a bit demanding and I have a meeting with a nutritionist that I need to get ready for. More soon.